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Showing posts from November, 2013

Road Trip! What do you do to entertain your kids in the car?

Again, I'm working to consolidate my blogs: this one comes from the summer but thought it would be appropriate during the holiday season where car travel is prevalent. This summer we have taken a few long road trips and we have a couple of more coming up.  Keeping the kids at p…

Telling a story through product presentation

"The Walking Heat Pack?" my daughter gave me a funny look, "That sounds like The Walking Dead.  Are you trying to sell it to zombies?" "No, I was thinking it explains the heat pack better," I said, "but now that you mention it, that's a great idea!…

Volunteering and Connecting to the Community

“OK, ladies, we need to pick a volunteer program for the year,” I said to the Girl Scout troop.  I heard a sigh.  “What?” I asked, “Is there a problem?  Not only is this a good thing to do, it looks good on your college application.” “Yeah, we know,” one girl spoke up, “but, I don’t re…

Weekend Raking

I've decided to consolidate my blogs and bring my old blogs to this one.  So Thurs/Fri blogs will be my oldies but still relevant blogs.  This article I wrote an year ago and it fits in with my 7 ways to Distract a Digital game obsessed kid that I wrote earlier this week.    …