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A Procrastination Coach? - maybe later

Nearing the end of the holiday season usually means last minute shopping, baking, and celebrating.  Then, around the corner, is the New Year.  In the back of my mind, my new year's resolutions are forming, like a de-cluttered house, a larger inventory and my very own website.

Procrastination Mascot
However, the end of the year should be about reflection as well and what we've accomplished.  I started a regular blog, became a youtube partner as well as being invited to a couple of youtube conglomerates, and in this last month, I opened my etsy shop.  All this from my home office with distractions like the laundry and dishes begging to be cleaned, a dog that barks when I'm on the phone and kids who think I am there to wait on them hand and foot.  (And yet, they are always surprised when I don't <shaking head>)

Along my 2013 journey, I virtually met the procrastination coach.  Her blogs were insightful and useful.  I learned about why we procrastinate, how to recognize it and how it can be harmful as well as useful. She explained techniques that got my butt in gear, so when I saw her free e-course, I signed up without hesitation.  

At the time I wanted to open an etsy shop.  All year I wanted to open an etsy shop and was struggling to do so.  Today, I couldn't tell you why because there was no reason.  I will say this, through the procrastination coach's course I found I had a fear of success.  I know weird, but there it is.  Recognizing it and making a promise to myself to work through her course each day helped me to push past my fears. My etsy site opened mid-course.  By the end of the 9 days, I not only completed my goal but was planning new goals.  Much of what came out of that course is still with me and supports my efforts to keep going.

To give you an insight into the course, I'll give you a couple of my favorite features:

You're not alone.  You virtually chat with others who are taking the course as well, discuss how you're doing, trouble spots and commiserate as well as talk about possible solutions.  (Bonus, I met a productivity partner in the group.  We email each other every week.  This is not a task in the course but rather a happy side consequence.)

The daily program takes about 15 minutes.  I would find my email in the morning - read the day's lesson, printed out the worksheet, completed it and if I had time I'd go to the facebook group associated with the course to chat with others.

A difficult task complete.  As I said earlier, I wanted to open my etsy shop - not only did I open it, I sold a few thing without advertising (yet).  Pretty cool

So I know the procrastination coach has another course coming up at the beginning of the year.  If you have a resolution you want to accomplish start it off right, click here to join the course.  I did again, for my next big task.

Just a fyi, I'm not getting paid for this, it's just a thank you for helping me.


  1. Thanks so much for adding that last sentence Joanne. There's so much affiliate marketing going on that I don't know when to trust recommendations.

    It's wonderful to read how this happened. I didn't know how much your Etsy shop was linked to my work. I love it, thank you!

    1. I agree, hence the disclaimer. This is my first recommendation of something outside of my realm. I've been wanting to do it but really was afraid readers would think I'm selling something. I've been told that in the states you are required to say you received the product or payment for this post however I doubt everyone does it. I mean really it would be terribly difficult to enforce it.

  2. That looks like an excellent course, and what a super recommendation, Joanne! I certainly know people who procrastinate, and now I know where to send them!

    1. I think it's human nature to procrastinate. I sometimes think of the painting of God and Man by Michelangelo - it's such an effort for Man to lift a finger LOL

  3. I do keep up with the requirements for reviews, and while they do change, I believe you are only required to disclose if you received the product/service for free with the intent to review it. I do that all the time when I get gadgets or apps to review. And I've given stinker reviews when the product deserved it.

    What you said, though, Joanna, was completely okay, although I think it was obvious from your review that it was from the heart. Sock puppet reviews never read like this one. :)

    1. Yes, I knew it was something like that - I signed up because I wanted to not because I was thinking I should review it. I signed up again for January too. I'm glad to hear you give bad as well as good review. It gives you credibility and should make you more desirable as a reviewer.

      I still believe this is very difficult to regulate. Shrug, I suppose it's not my problem. :)

  4. I loved doing Angela's course and I love that we keep sending those accountability emails no matter what! I thank you both, I've also accomplished so much lately. Really; having someone to talk about your goals and actually feeling their support can make such a difference!

    1. I know I love our emails too, not only have I learned so much about myself and how I work and really why I keep making the same mistakes but I'm staying so much more focused and overcoming those challenges. So thank you Andrea - you're the coolest :)

  5. So sorry, Joanne, for misspelling your name in my comment. (And I read it three times before publishing, too.) One of my TeleRead writers is "Joanna," and I tend to type that without thinking.

    1. No worries, I have been called Jo, Joey, Joanna, Johanna - it really doesn't bother me. It's like having different ring tones, I know who's calling me by the way they call me LOL

  6. Wow. Looks like a great course. Who would've thought that procrastinating could have positives too and not just negatives? Thanks so much for sharing this!

    1. I know weird - hey I see you went to Full Sail on your g+ page - my daughter is considering going, what do you think of it? Did they help you after you graduated?

  7. I never related to anything so much as I did to your own issue of having a fear of success. Boom! Is that me? Is that why I'm happy with status quo and with not setting any goals for myself and my own blog? I definitely procrastinate and could benefit from this e-course. I bet I'll be signing up for that...unless I decide to do it later.

    1. LOL, yes, hence the title. I was clearly surprised by the fear of success. For me, I fear taking the lead.

  8. I get the part about fear o success. I had a big issue with that in my past career. I's sure I have residual effects of it now. Procrastination is not always bad thing. It all gets down to why we procrastinate. That said, this sounds like a great course. :-)

    1. Agreed, and I think that is why I was taken by her. I hear about productivity so often, I never thought to look at procrastination. It made me realize we need to understand it in order to get to being productive.

  9. I love that you've taken the time to see what you've accomplished this year. I know in this kind of work, it's easy just to see all the things you still need to do and feel like you'll never get there. I'm the worst procrastinator - thanks for the inspiration, and resource. I'm bookmarking this page...

    1. I gotta reflect or I feel like I'm spinning my wheels. Yeah, lately I'm lacking motivation, I think the holidays is sucking the life out of me :D

  10. I think I need this coach also:) I am an awful procrastinator! But, maybe it is not so bad?

    1. You should check out her e-course. It simple and helps you to see what is surrounding a situation so that you know why you're not being productive.

  11. Many times I have said to myself, boy I am so glad I procrastinated or this situation might not have worked out the way it did. Understanding why you procrastinate helps me. My desk is a mess, I would love to clean it. I just don't have the motivation to do so, because I am always doing something else. My granddaughter came over and helped me start scanning and shredding. Now she got me moving.

    1. There's nothing like having a partner in your cleaning efforts to get you motivated. I too am struggling with a messy desk although this past week I spent a lot of time cleaning it and must say it looks great and it feels great to me working at it. Thanks for sharing

  12. I've never heard of a procrastination coach. What an interesting idea. I considered signing up but then begin procrastinating! In truth, most of the time, I'm highly motivated to actually get things done. It sounds like you've gotten a great deal from the course and I congratulate you.

    1. Yes, I did. I don't think I don't have the motivation, I think I just allow distractions in and I end up procrastinating. Of course, my guess is that you can stay focused :) That's where I want to be. :)

  13. Great article, thanks! I signed up for the January course.


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