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Showing posts from January, 2014

The One Percenters of Education

I've been wanting to write this post for awhile, every time I pay for another test or some "supplies" the kids need that the school expects the families to pay.  What if I couldn't pay? In last night speech, Obama recommitted to education in this country. He believes …

10 ideas for shaking bad JuJu

My sister made this for me, it makes me smile This week, I met someone who lectured me for a half hour.  The topic had nothing to do with me, rather her fears and that I should be fearful too.  I don't want to go into details but it left me with a depressed feeling that typically …

Review: Do it Tomorrow App

So I've been using this Do It Tomorrow app on and off for about a year.  What it comes down to is a basic to-do list. It's not my daily to-do list, that's handwritten however I use it as a list of things I would like to get accomplished at some point.  I use it as a reminder.…

6 steps to keeping your new year's resolution

Have you given up your new year's resolution yet? This is the first year I developed a complicated New Year's Resolution. I plan to finish my book and start another, to create a website, have a regular etsy product line and declutter, organize and streamline my home. It'…